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Gene Blalock


Award-winning Los Angeles-based Director, Gene Blalock, is known for his touching, heart-warming films as much as his eccentric short horror vignettes. Bringing a decidedly human perspective to each of his works, Gene's works reflect our common humanity back, as if from a mirror of compassion, for us to examine and consider. Regardless of genre, Gene's work rings true in a thought-provoking way.

Gene is an outspoken Atheist and is constantly striving to have society strive to look at science and reason.

"I would love to have a 5 year outlaw on religion and breeding.. let's see where the world would be then!"

"I honestly think forcing your religion on your children is a form of child abuse. It enforces fear in a form of brainwashing them into not thinking for themselves and not questioning anything."

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