Born into a Roman Catholic family, American musician Axella Johannesson has always been very outspoken about her atheism.
"Religion keeps believers groveling on their knees, begging forgiveness for things which are sometimes completely beyond their control (falling asleep and having an erotic dream would be enough to require a Catholic to attend the confessional booth!). Believers are made to feel guilt and shame for normal biological urges. Sex is such a dirty thing that Jesus could not possibly have been borne of it, and not just that - he couldn't even have been borne of a woman who'd ever had it!
Chrisitianity (though it's not alone here) does all it can to ensure that its followers feel constantly "unworthy" of this unseen and unheard divine presence supposedly in their lives. Yet if someone does follow all the rules and thinks, "I don't sin, I tithe, I love and help my fellow man, so I'm a good Christian", they are guilty of Pride, one of the seven deadly sins! So one cannot win either way - and that's where they want you - forever begging on your knees for 'forgiveness' and 'worthiness'.
It is a fact that most people don't want to die, and churches keep the dollars rolling in by exploiting this fear, promising eternal life." - Axella Johannesson, May 2006